Monday 2 March 2009

Morph Remembers

A few months ago when I heard that Tony Hart had passed away I found it very sad. Not only his death but the fact that in the last few years of his life he had suffered a number of strokes which had left him unable to draw or paint. I just thought this was such a tragic situation for someone to be in when drawing and painting had been such a major part of their life. However the fact that Tony Hart has encouraged generation after generation of children to explore the joy of art should not be forgotten.

So it brought a smile to my face today when I heard that over 200 fans had gathered outside London's Tate Modern with an assorted collection of home made Morph's (Tony Hart's trusty plasticine side-kick). I thought this was a very touching and memorable farewell (

Sunday 1 March 2009

Ineffective Cough/Cold Medicines

This morning I was checking out the BBC news website and found an article about the ineffectiveness of cough/cold medicines for children under 12. (

It got me thinking to the times I havent been feeling that best over the past few years. I usually go into Boots and try to find the most powerful/fast acting/all singing/all dancing wonder-remedy. However no matter what I end up taking I still feel like crap for the next few days and just have to be patient until I get over it naturally.

So just how effective are all the cough/cold remedy's that are for sale? If doubt is being raised over the medicines success with children under 12 maybe someone needs to look at the bigger picture. I wonder if anyone has ever studied the success rates of these wonder-remedies in comparison to the standard paracetamol. I know there is a huge difference in the cost between basic paracetamol (under 50p) and the so called wonder-remedies (closer to £5) but based on my own experience im not so convinced if there is any real difference in their effectiveness.

In the article parents are advised to 'stick to the simple, best practice - paracetamol, ibuprofen, warm lemon and honey - after all, a cough and a cold will get better on its own, after a few days'. Maybe this is something we should all bare in mind before handing over our money for the supposed wonder-remedies.